Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
4th international conference on Agriculture, Food and Aqua , will be organized around the theme “Sustainable agriculture with Aquatic biodiversity conservation”
AGRI FOOD AQUA 2021 is comprised of 14 tracks and 48 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in AGRI FOOD AQUA 2021.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Agriculture has an enormous environmental impression. Cultivating in manageable ways to meet society's food and material necessities, without compromising for current & future generation needs. When developing agriculture within sustainable food systems, it is essential to create adaptable business interaction and cultivating practices. This farming practice provide a future solution to enable agricultural systems to feed a growing population within the changing environmental conditions
- Track 1-1Ecosystem Services
- Track 1-2Methods to Increase Sustainable Agriculture
- Track 1-3Agro Economics
- Track 1-4Deforestation
Horticulture deals with the use of small cropping areas with a variety of mixed crops. It involves plant propagation and cultivation to increase plant growth, yields, quality, nutritional value, resistance, and environmental stresses, plant conservation, landscape restoration, soil management, landscape, and garden design. Soil science deals with the entire soil management in associated fields.
- Track 2-1Types of Horticulture
- Track 2-2Bonsai Horticulture
- Track 2-3Soil Science Research
- Track 2-4Land degradation
- Track 2-5Applications of Soil Science
The Management and breeding of domestic farm animals to obtain their meat and products for human consumption. The products like meat, milk, wool, fur, honey, others are the output. This farming deals with the breeding of cattle, sheep, poultry, pigs, rabbits, goats, snails, fishes, and honeybees.
- Track 3-1Cattle Feed Formulation
- Track 3-2Animal Husbandry
- Track 3-3Micro-livestock
- Track 3-4Types of Livestock Farming
Agricultural biotechnology is the process of Modifying plants to create desired traits by the use of various scientific tools and techniques. Biotechnology rose to boost nutrition and stabilize yields, resistance to pests, resistant to diseases, and abiotic stresses like drought and cold. Developing low-cost disease-free plants and increased breeding capacity are the major implementations of this study. Food microbiology is the investigation of microorganisms that contaminate food and those utilized in the production of food. The micro-organisms either use the supplements of food or incorporate new mixtures that ruin food. Food safety is a significant objective of food microbiology.
- Track 4-1Plant Breeding
- Track 4-2Fermented Foods
- Track 4-3Probiotics
- Track 4-4Lactic Acid Bacteria
- Track 4-5Microbial Biopolymers
Pharmaco-Toxicology is dealing with toxic exposure to pharmaceutical drugs. In agriculture, it rises from exposure to pesticides and fertilizers. As to enhance crop protection and production, food quality, and food preservation, the massive utilization of chemicals is increasing. Food safety is the main aim in pharmacy toxicology rather than the toxic effects. Significant contemplations were comparable to the toxicology of food containing natural food segments and food additives. Right now, toxicology is noticing a designed change in the assessment of chemical risks in food safety.
- Track 5-1Heavy Metal Toxicology
- Track 5-2Pesticidal Toxicity
- Track 5-3Biotoxins
- Track 5-4Mycotoxicology
- Track 5-5Genetically Engineered Foods
- Track 5-6Nutritional Toxicity
- Track 5-7Food Borne Infections
The food technology targets looking at on-going applications in the food microbiology, food-borne microorganisms, expand the time span of usability of food sources, and improve the wellbeing, quality, and dietary benefit of shifted food items. High-Pressure Processing (HPP) is a non-warm sanitization strategy whereby items are held at high pressing factors for a couple of moments. The inclination of this strategy over the standard warm handling methods include less interaction time, less warmth harm and maintenance of item flavor, surface, shading, and supplements of various fluid and semi-fluid food sources. Every one of these methodologies upgrades food handling and quality without bargaining the dietary quality and wellbeing.
- Track 6-1Methods of Food Processing
- Track 6-2Food Additives
- Track 6-3Food Preservation
Bio Fortification aims to build supplement levels in crops during plant development instead of through manual methods during handling of the yields. With the appearance of biofortification, different breeding, and agronomic methods, current biotechnological approaches have been fostered that can effectively join these body fundamentals in the significant food sources. With malnutrition as a serious issue, it is a promising, manageable, and prudent methodology of conveying food rich in micronutrients to individuals that have extremely restricted admittance to assorted diverse diets.
- Track 7-1Malnutrition
- Track 7-2Types of Bio Fortification
- Track 7-3Transgenic Crops
- Track 7-4Food Grading System
Food Engineering involves the actual designing and synthetic cycles, advancements, and equipment utilized in activities, for example, parcelling, marinating, covering, cooking, product formulation, freezing, and bundling. Due to the complex nature of food materials, food engineering also combines the study of more specific chemical and physical concepts such as biochemistry, microbiology, food chemistry, thermodynamics, transport phenomena, rheology, and heat transfer. Food engineers apply this knowledge to the cost-effective design, production, and commercialization of sustainable, safe, nutritious, healthy, appealing, affordable, and high-quality ingredients and foods, as well as to the development of food systems.
Organic aquaculture is an all-encompassing technique for cultivating marine species by Organic principles. The standards of this training set up supportable marine conditions with thought for normally happening environments, utilization of pesticides, and the treatment of oceanic life. Overseeing aquaculture naturally has gotten more famous since buyers are worried about the destructive effects of aquaculture on themselves and the climate. Natural guidelines planned around soil-based frameworks don't move well into aquaculture and will in general struggle with huge scope, escalated objectives. Various issues are confronting Organic aquaculture the trouble of sourcing and affirming natural adolescents. Yet, there is an unmistakable purchaser interest for natural fish, and natural hydroponics may turn into a huge administration choice with proceeded with research.
- Track 9-1Shrimp Farming
- Track 9-2Market for Organic Aquaculture
- Track 9-3Aquatic Feed & Waste Removal
- Track 9-4Future Research and Development
Fish Genetics & Biology analysts an approach to imagine and plan the hereditary material in a fish. This might be utilized for understanding an assortment of chromosomal irregularities and other hereditary changes. Fish are sea-going, craniate, gill-bearing creatures that need appendages with digits, They structure a sister gathering to the tunicates, together shaping the olfactory. Remembered for this definition are the living hagfish, lampreys, and cartilaginous and hard fish just as different wiped out related gatherings. Quality and genome duplication occasions increment the measure of hereditary material that may then add to an expansion in the genomic and phenotypic intricacy of living beings during advancement.
Fisheries techniques are the procedures for getting fish. The term may likewise be applied to strategies for getting other aquatic creatures like molluscs (shellfish, squid, octopus) and consumable marine spineless creatures. These include hand-gathering, spearfishing, mesh, calculating and catching. Sporting, business and distinctive fishers utilize various procedures, and furthermore, now and again, similar strategies.
- Track 11-1Line Fishing
- Track 11-2Angling with a Rod
- Track 11-3Blast Fishing
- Track 11-4Cyanide Fishing
- Track 11-5Muro-Ami
- Track 11-6Bottom Trawling
Waste management incorporates the needed to oversee waste from its beginning to its last deployment. This involves an assortment, transport, treatment, and removal of waste. The waste can be dealt with either by physical, compound, or organic strategies. Water Management is significant since it decides future irrigation assumptions. Water the board is the administration of water assets under set strategies and guidelines. Great water the board of dams and levees diminishes the danger of damage because of flooding. Water system water the board frameworks make the most proficient utilization of restricted water supplies for agribusiness.
Development is more significant in current agriculture than at any other time. The agribusiness overall is confronting enormous difficulties, from increasing expenses of provisions, a lack of work, and changes in customer inclinations for straightforwardness and supportability. There is expanding acknowledgment from agribusiness enterprises that arrangements are required for these difficulties. Over the most recent 10 years, agribusiness innovation has seen immense development. Significant innovation developments in space have zeroed in on regions like indoor vertical cultivating, robotization and automation, livestock innovation, greenhouse practices, accuracy horticulture and artificial intelligence, and more...
- Track 13-1Robotics in Agriculture
- Track 13-2Genetic Manipulation
- Track 13-3Intensive Tillage
- Track 13-4Monoculture
- Track 13-5Use of Synthetic Fertilizers
- Track 13-6Irrigation Technologies
Agro-biological systems and agro-biodiversity add to supportable occupation protections at the neighborhood, public, what's more, worldwide levels. They give a scope of products what's more, administrations including food, grub, environmental change moderation, biodiversity protection, and water quality alternatives. Farmers and cultivating networks have a huge task to carry out in the conservation and preservation of these assets and biological systems. The job of horticulture in the arrangement of the environment administrations depend, notwithstanding, on the motivating forces accessible to it. At present motivators are intended to pay for the merchandise, as opposed to the administrations, gave by agricultural ecosystems.