Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
International Conference on Agriculture, Food and Aqua, will be organized around the theme “Discovering Natural Resources through Agri Food Aqua 2018”
Agri-Food-Aqua 2018 is comprised of 16 tracks and 110 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Agri-Food-Aqua 2018.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
- Track 1-1Agricultural genetics
- Track 1-2Proteomics
- Track 1-3Bio-indicators in soil
- Track 1-4Cell and tissue culture
- Track 1-5Epigenetics in agriculture
- Track 1-6Development and application of molecular markers
- Track 1-7Utilization of mutagenesis for crop modification
- Track 1-8Enhancing the nutritional content of crops
- Track 1-9Assets of bio-pharming
- Track 1-10Growth of transgenic plants
- Track 2-1Agro-ecology
- Track 2-2Agro-geology
- Track 2-3Bio-fertilizers
- Track 2-4 Precision agriculture method
- Track 2-5Agro-forestry
- Track 2-6Promoting phytoremediation
- Track 2-7Selection of drought-tolerant crops
- Track 2-8Soil steaming and bio-fumigation
- Track 3-1Biochemical changes in foods
- Track 3-2Enzyme utilization
- Track 3-3Nutrigenomics
- Track 3-4Nutrigenetics
- Track 3-5Glyco-biology of foods
- Track 3-6Application of nutrient supplementation
- Track 3-7Hormones regulation and human metabolism
- Track 4-1Membrane technology
- Track 4-2Supercritical fluid extraction
- Track 4-3Cold plasma usage
- Track 4-4Hurdle technology
- Track 4-5HPP and pulsed electric field
- Track 4-6Electronic processing and grading devices
- Track 4-7Proper usage of packaging materials
- Track 4-8Active and intelligent packaging
- Track 4-9Fulfillment of food packaging laws
- Track 4-10Aseptic packaging
- Track 4-11Nanotechnology in food packaging
- Track 5-1Factors affecting the growth of food micro-organisms
- Track 5-2Food spoilage and infections
- Track 5-3Control of food micro-organisms
- Track 5-4Fermented food products
- Track 5-5Prebiotics and probiotics
- Track 5-6Applications of indicator organisms
- Track 5-7Adoption of bio-films in foods
- Track 6-1Changes during food processing
- Track 6-2Vitamin availability in foods
- Track 6-3Nutritional aspect of natural and modified fats
- Track 6-4Regulation of water-sorption isotherm
- Track 6-5Effects of essential and non-essential nutrients
- Track 7-1Genetically modified foods
- Track 7-2Functional foods
- Track 7-3Therapeutic foods
- Track 7-4Textured foods
- Track 7-5Minimally processed foods
- Track 7-6Specialty foods
- Track 8-1Action of additives
- Track 8-2Classification of additives
- Track 8-3Effects of food additives on human health
- Track 8-4Use of preservatives
- Track 8-5Methods of food micro-encapsulation
- Track 9-1Slaughtering methods
- Track 9-2Post-mortem changes in meat
- Track 9-3Meat microbiology and safety
- Track 9-4Diary technology
- Track 9-5Meat plant hygiene
- Track 9-6Poultry processing
- Track 9-7Frozen and fermented meat products
- Track 9-8Animal source by-products
- Track 10-1Aqua-farming
- Track 10-2Nutrition in aquaculture
- Track 10-3Practice of aquaponics
- Track 10-4Aquaculture methodology
- Track 10-5Adoption of bio-filters
- Track 10-6Implementation of aquaculture laws
- Track 11-1Pisciculture
- Track 11-2Fish biology
- Track 11-3Fish feeding and nutrition
- Track 11-4Fish and fishery products
- Track 11-5Fish pathology
- Track 11-6Fish hatchery
- Track 12-1Categories of aquatic systems
- Track 12-2Limnology
- Track 12-3Application of hydrobiology
- Track 12-4Re-circulation of aquaculture systems
- Track 12-5Multi-tropic aquaculture
- Track 12-6Weed management
- Track 13-1Conceptualizing agriculture and nutrition
- Track 13-2Changing economic growth to nutrition-sensitive growth
- Track 13-3Eating disorders and food addictions
- Track 13-4Dietary supplements
- Track 13-5Outcomes of fish supplements on human health
- Track 13-6Fish diseases and human health
- Track 14-1Food laws and regulations
- Track 14-2Food security
- Track 14-3Efficient food analysis techniques
- Track 14-4Challenge of hygiene maintenance
- Track 14-5HACCP
- Track 14-6Malnutrition and under-nutrition
- Track 14-7Obesity
- Track 15-1Basic considerations and benefits
- Track 15-2Utilization of by-products
- Track 15-3Aeration devices systems
- Track 15-4Land and agricultural waste treatments
- Track 15-5Waste water treatments
- Track 15-6Waste treatment by bio-remediation
- Track 16-1Agriculture business management
- Track 16-2Agriculture marketing
- Track 16-3E- Agriculture
- Track 16-4Production economics and farm management
- Track 16-5Setting up of agriculture-value chain
- Track 16-6Implementation of agricultural law